This statement was written with urgency by Palestinian Christian young adults from all across the land, expressing repentance and hope regarding the ongoing injustices.
If you identify with this statement, it is yours to hold as well. We urge all to read and reflect seriously on its call.
OPINION \ Jun 14, 2021
ISRAEL \ Jun 02, 2021
ESSAYS \ May 28, 2021
As a reflection to the last round of violence in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Dr. Rula Khoury-Mansour proposes that conflict, despite its destruction, is an opportunity that calls us as Christians to act as the conscience of society. To do so we need to act according to the codes of Kingdom ethics and to practice peacemaking that is just. -
OPINION \ May 11, 2021
ISRAEL \ Dec 31, 2020
OPINION \ Oct 30, 2020
The position of white fundamentalist Evangelicals was strange and very much disconcerting. They came in last in their support for medical care for millions of poor Americans, while they should have been on top of that list as they are Evangelicals who call for the gospel principals of justice and mercy for the oppressed -
ISRAEL \ Oct 28, 2020
ISRAEL \ Oct 10, 2020
In his new book "Looking from the Precipice" Botrus Mansour writes about Church's outreach to youth and says:...if the church wishes to reach out to this generation, and it is compelled to do so if it wants to continue to live, then it must ensure a special environment for youth without compromising its beliefs. Youth will be attracted to the church only if they find there what will fulfill their needs. -
ISRAEL \ Oct 03, 2020