"We have watched with growing alarm as the US government has become increasingly unilateral in its approach to foreign affairs, and has failed to heed the advice and counsel of friends and allies.
We call upon our governments to pursue these diplomatic means in active cooperation with the United Nations and to stop the apparent rush to war. "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God." (Matthew 5:9)
By United Methodist News Service, Aug 30
PERSIAN GULF \ Aug 10, 2002
One newspaper said the international media had concentrated only on Muslim fundamentalism, forgetting that Christian fundamentalism was just as dangerous
By Magdi Abdelhadi, BBC Arab affairs editor, Aug 8, 2002
PERSIAN GULF \ Mar 21, 2002
PERSIAN GULF \ Feb 15, 2002
PERSIAN GULF \ Jan 14, 2002
``We find ourselves before two ways: violent imposition of our views and aims, or dialogue about finding means of peaceful coexistence with those who disagree with us,'' Bartholomew told a seminar in the capital, Tehran.
By ALI AKBAR DAREINI, Associated Press
PERSIAN GULF \ Jan 11, 2002
Pilot sues U.S. over requirement to wear robe while serving in Saudi Arabia. She is also not allowed to drive.
Jan Cienski, National Post, January 09, 2002
PERSIAN GULF \ Jan 02, 2002
The Saudi Ministry of Interior arrested the men after receiving reports in June of their participation in Christian gatherings that included Saudi converts to Christianity.
By Art Moore, WorldNetDaily.com, Dec 29, 2001
PERSIAN GULF \ Nov 28, 2001
PERSIAN GULF \ Aug 16, 2001
An interesting and surprising point of view from an Iranian paper on the Taliban arresting of Christian missionaries
Tehran Times (Tehran) -
PERSIAN GULF \ Jul 20, 2001
Christian hospital worker in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia was arrested by the Police for holding Bible Study meetings in his home. His computer was also taken. Fellow Christians are concerned that the personal files on his computer may have contained the names and addresses of other Christians
Christian News Today