TOP STORIES \ Mar 20, 2020
TOP STORIES \ May 22, 2018
Leaders of the Baptist World Alliance and the European Baptist Federation (which includes the Middle East), express their grave concern over the heightened tensions between Israel and Palestine that have led to violence and many Palestinian civilian deaths, including those of innocent children, in Gaza in recent days -
TOP STORIES \ Mar 14, 2018
TOP STORIES \ Mar 15, 2017
TOP STORIES \ Feb 20, 2016
TOP STORIES \ Feb 09, 2016
TOP STORIES \ Jul 15, 2011
The Pew Forum on Religion has published the findings of a major survey of the opinions of Global Evangelical Protestant Leaders.
Significantly, the survey found that only 34% say they sympathize with Israel. A majority say they sympathize either with both sides equally (39%) or with neither side (13%).
Among evangelical leaders from the United States, even fewer sympathize more with Israel (30%) while nearly half (49%) say they sympathize with both sides equally.
Stephen Sizer, July 13, 2011 -
TOP STORIES \ Mar 05, 2011
During a discussion held at a Washington D.C. church some years ago, Rateb Rabie watched in amazement as 200 people discussed how to support his relatives, nearly 6,000 miles away in the West Bank.
Andrew Khouri, Nation and World, March 4, 2011 -
TOP STORIES \ Jan 20, 2010
A Vatican document released Tuesday blamed the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the occupying of lands for fomenting most of the conflicts in the Middle East, driving Christians out and making life difficult for those who remain.
The document is a guide for discussions for an Oct. 10-24 meeting of Mideast bishops convened by Pope Benedict XVI to discuss the plight of the Christian minority in the overwhelmingly Muslim region. The exodus of Christians from the region and religious discrimination faced by those who remain are main issues on the table.
AP, Jan 19, 2010 -
TOP STORIES \ Dec 12, 2009
A group of Palestinian Christians representing a variety of churches and church-related organizations have issued an animated and prayerful call for an end to occupation of Palestine by Israel.
The call, issued at a 11 December meeting in Bethlehem, comes at a time when many Palestinians believe they have reached a dead end. It raises questions to the international community, political leaders in the region, and the churches worldwide about their contribution to the Palestinian people's pursuit of freedom. Even in the midst of "our catastrophe" the call is described as a word of faith, hope and love.
www.wfn.org Web site, Dec 12, 2009