This week the Bush State Department is devoting its full diplomatic efforts toward bringing a two-state resolution to the Israel-Palestine conflict. Over the past few months, they have put on a full-court press to gather a broad representation of Arab world leaders to join Israeli and Palestinian negotiators for a historic meeting in Annapolis, Maryland. Now, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Palestinian National Authority President Mahmoud Abbas have agreed to a program of sustained and focused negotiations throughout 2008.
David Neff, Christianity Today, Dec 7, 2007
TOP STORIES \ Nov 26, 2007
Christian leaders across denominational lines responded to the unprecedented open letter signed last month by 138 representative Muslim leaders with their own letter, calling on the two Abrahamic faiths to love God and neighbors together. >br>
Over 100 theologians, ministry leaders, and prominent pastors have thus far signed the response letter issued by the Yale Center for Faith and Culture.
Signers include Jim Wallis, president of Sojourners; Rick Warren, founder and senior pastor of Saddleback Church; John Stott, rector emeritus of All Souls Church in London; and Leith Anderson, president of the National Association of Evangelicals.
By Ethan Cole, Christian Post, Nov. 23 2007
TOP STORIES \ Oct 28, 2007
After 2 year delay, Israel will accept appointment of Archbishop Theopilus III as Greek Patriarch. Delay was because of archbishop's pledge to give list of church real estate—which include land on which Knesset and president's residence stand—to Jordan and Palestinian Authority
Ronny Sofer, YNET, October 28, 2007
TOP STORIES \ Aug 11, 2007
The worldwide Foursquare denomination holds its annual conference in Jerusalem and bucks the trend of locally-based Christian ministries by openly embracing Messianic Jewish leaders.
Many Christian organizations in Israel tend to be overly cautious in their relationship with Messianic Jews to avoid offending their Israeli hosts, but Hayford said the Foursquare Church stands unashamed with Israel’s Jewish believers and featured several Messianic leaders as key speakers.
Sara Fischer, Israel Today, Aug 9, 2007
TOP STORIES \ Aug 02, 2007
In recent years, conservative evangelicals who claimed a biblical mandate to protect Israel have built a bulwark of support for the Jewish state - sending donations, denouncing its critics and urging it not to evacuate settlements or forfeit territory.
Now more than 30 evangelical leaders have stepped forward to say these efforts have given the wrong impression about the stance of many, if not most, U.S. Christians.
On Friday, these leaders sent a letter to President George W. Bush saying that both Israelis and Palestinians had "legitimate rights stretching back for millennia to the lands of Israel/Palestine," and that they supported the creation of a Palestinian state "that includes the vast majority of the West Bank."
By Laurie Goodstein, July 29, 2007, the International Herald Tribune
TOP STORIES \ Jul 16, 2007
Muslims and evangelical Christians are talking — at least behind closed doors at the Egyptian Embassy — according to several guests at a top-secret lunch on July 2.
The meeting was an initiative of Rev. Benny Hinn, who is a Palestinian and was born in Jaffa, Israel. It featured ambassadors from nine Arab states plus their umbrella group, and several American prominent evangelical leaders or their sons.
The Washington Times, July 11, 2007
TOP STORIES \ May 23, 2007
The historic Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem has fallen into a crisis again.
The Jordanian announced last Sunday, May 13, that it has withdrawn its recognition Patriarch Theofilos III, alleging he has failed to act on a pledge to annul an unsanctioned church property sale to Israel.
By Theodore Kalmoukos, Special to The National Herald, May 18, 2007
TOP STORIES \ Apr 18, 2007
Historic St George's Anglican Cathedral in Jerusalem was filled to overflowing on Low Sunday, April 15, as the Rt. Rev. Suheil Dawani was installed and welcomed as the 14th Anglican bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem.
Los Angeles, Massachusetts, New York bishops represent the US-based Episcopal Church
By Jim Rosenthal, April 16, 2007, Episcopal Life online
TOP STORIES \ Nov 27, 2006
Some of the greatest movies have helped bring Bible stories to life. Movies like The Passion of the Christ, The Ten Commandments, and Ben Hur have helped put sounds, images, and emotion to stories that are at the heart of Christianity.
The Nativity Story, a movie which will premiere Nov. 26, is eagerly anticipated by many Christians as the next great Bible story turned into a movie.
Catholic Register, Nov 26, 2006
TOP STORIES \ Jun 26, 2006
Pope Benedict XVI has said violence is forcing Christians to flee Israel, the Palestinian territories and other countries of the Middle East.
The pontiff also called for respect between cultures and religions.
"The serious difficulties encountered by the Christian community" in Israel and the Palestinian territories "because of lack of security, work, restrictions on movements and poverty are a source of anxiety for us", he said on Thursday.
Al-Jazeera, June 22, 2006