• TOP STORIES \ Jan 16, 2003
    reads 4259
    Negative statements about Islam by high-profile Southern Baptists Jerry Vines, Jerry Falwell and Franklin Graham made headlines throughout the Muslim world last year. To express their concern, the missionaries working in 10 preominantly Muslim Countries jointly composed a letter asked it will be distributed in Baptist circles.

    By Tony Cartledge, Associated Baptist Press, Jan 14, 2003

    Missionaries urge restraint in comments about Islam
  • TOP STORIES \ Jan 03, 2003
    reads 4721
    Even though Baptist Missionary Mike Edens may worry that he became a target of anti-American violencee, he would not leave his post: "It's much wiser and safer to be obedient to God and do his work than to do otherwise."

    PAUL RICHTER, Los Angeles Times, Jan 3, 2003

    Missionaries won't leave Middle East
  • TOP STORIES \ Oct 26, 2002
    reads 4430
    Kathleen Kerm, a Bible Scholar and writer of Sunday School Materials was on her way to join the Christian Peacemaker Teams in Israel and Palestine. She was denied entry at the Ben Gurrion Airport near Tel-Aviv

    Special For Come and See, Oct 25, 2002

    Christian Peacemaker denied entry to Israel
  • TOP STORIES \ Sep 03, 2002
    reads 4359

    This conference lead by The International Fellowship of Evangelical Students brought together 160 students from 10 Arab Countries, not only from countries where the movement exists, but also from places where student ministry is at a very early stage.

    Special For Come and See, Sep 3, 2002

  • TOP STORIES \ Jul 22, 2002
    reads 4082
    The Greek Patriarch of Jerusalem Arinous 1st on Thursday fired Archamandrite Attallah Hanna from his post as an official spokesman for the Orthodox church in Jerusalem and the holy lands. The patriarch accused Hanna of supporting the Palestinian terrorism.

    Arabic News, July 20, 2002

    Greek patriarch fires archmandrite Hanna over claims of supporting Terrorism
  • TOP STORIES \ Apr 25, 2002
    reads 4312
    American Christians urged to 'pray for the peace of Jerusalem' - One initiative aims to recruit 1 million American believers and 100,000 churches to daily prayer, the Israeli Consulate General in New York has opened its doors to Christians wanting to pray for peace in the country.
    A Palestinian Christian urge Christians to pray for his people too.

    Charisma News and Come and See, April 24, 2002

    Prayer Efforts Focus on Israel and neglect Palestinians
  • TOP STORIES \ Apr 11, 2002
    reads 4027
    The statement, drafted by a Washington-based grassroots organization called Churches for Middle East Peace, calls for recognition of a viable Palestinian state alongside Israel and an end to Israeli occupation in the West Bank and Gaza.

    By Bob Allen, Associated Baptist Press, April 8, 2002

  • TOP STORIES \ Apr 10, 2002
    reads 3795
    Former Cabinet Member said that Israeli forces should employ gas to force Palestinian militants out of Bethlehem's Church of the Nativity.
    The statement was made on Wednesday, the same day Israel marks the rememberance day of the Holocoust.

    By Ha'aretz Service, April 10, 2002

    Lieberman: Use gas to force gunmen from Bethlehem church
  • TOP STORIES \ Apr 02, 2002
    reads 4044
    An Italian Roman Catholic priest reported as killed during fierce fighting in the West Bank town of Bethlehem is alive and well, an official of the Salesian religious order said on Tuesday.

    Roman Catholic Missionary Service News Agency, April 2, 2002

  • TOP STORIES \ Mar 26, 2002
    reads 4171
    The first century recreation of Nazareth in the time of Jesus Nazareth Village in Nazareth,Israel concluded special tours for Easter

    Special for Come and See, March 26, 2002
    Nazareth Village concludes a special Easter tour