President Mubarak of Egypt has declared Christmas Day a National Holiday for the first time.
Coptic Christians represent ten percent of the population of Egypt. They celebrate Christmas on January 7 and from 2003, this date will be an official public holiday.
Christian Solidarity Worldwide Web site, December 19 2002
EGYPT \ Nov 19, 2002
The leadership of the Egyptian Christian Coptic community has recently begun to express in public positions and complaints in a way uncommon in the past.
The Copt weekly Watani recently ran an editorial criticizing the treatment of Christians in Saudi Arabia and the Arab world in general
Memri Web site, Special For Come and See, Nov 19, 2002
EGYPT \ Oct 26, 2002
That remarks made by Jerry Falwell earlier this month describing the Prophet Mohamed as "a terrorist" have caused Christians in the Middle East to feel very uncomfortable.
Egypt's Al-Ahram writes about the reactions among the Egyption Copts, the biggest group of Christians in the Arab world.
Omayma Abdel-Latif , Al-Haram, October 26, 2002
EGYPT \ Sep 05, 2002
EGYPT \ Jun 26, 2002
EGYPT \ May 13, 2002
"When we first got to Egypt a few years ago, the Egyptian Christians told us, 'Don't tell any Muslim about Jesus, even if they ask you'.
Now, a lot of the same people are coming up and asking, 'How can we share with Muslims? What do we do?' I think it's the beginning of something big."
Baptist Press, May 13, 2002
EGYPT \ Feb 15, 2002
EGYPT \ Feb 11, 2002
EGYPT \ Jan 30, 2002
EGYPT \ Jan 20, 2002
Jewish Chief Rabbi Eliahu Bakshi-Doron and Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister Michael Melchior to join Sheik Mohammed Sayed Tantawi at the conference, pulled together by the outgoing Archbishop of Canterbury, George Carey. Latin Patriarch Michel Sabbah of Jerusalem to attend
By The Associated Press, Jan 20, 2002