• FEATURES \ Dec 07, 2007
    reads 5115
    Christmas goes relatively unnoticed in the country of Israel. Only 2% of the population observes the holiday and this small celebration is lost amidst the Menorahs and Chanukahs of Jewish Hanukkah and the feasting of the Muslim Eid al-Adha. Nevertheless, some places make a special effort to draw attention to the holiday in a unique way.

    In the boyhood home of Jesus, Nazareth Village is celebrating the season by presenting its eighth annual recreation of the Nativity story in a series of guided evening tours. Guests are invited to walk by candle light along a path following Joseph and Mary on the donkey as a guide re-tells the timeless story of the birth of Jesus.

    Hannah Byrd, Special For "Come and See", Dec 7, 2007

    Nazareth Village Begins Annual Christmas Candlelight Tours
  • FEATURES \ Nov 29, 2007
    reads 4604
    On November 11, 2007 a small group of exhausted but determined cyclists rode through the gates of the Nazareth EMMS Hospital. The backs of their bright yellow shirts bore the words: ‘Cycle the Holy Land’ and their exultant expressions told the tale of five arduous but thoroughly rewarding days trekking across Israel in an effort to raise funds for the Hospital. The group cycles every year as a fundraiser for Nazareth Hospital and this year’s proceeds were raised specifically for the addition of four new operating rooms.

    Special For "Come and See", November 29, 2007

    Cycling the Holy Land for the Nazareth Hospital
  • FEATURES \ Oct 10, 2007
    reads 4199
    The second edition of Al Kalima, the bulletin for the Nazareth Center for Christian Studies (NCCS), was released in September 2007 with the title Paving the Way for Theology, for Life, picturing Rev. Dr. Bryson Arthur on the front page on the day the new parking lot was paved. Dr. Arthur is the director of NCCS. The magazine, published by NCCS, seeks to communicate not only what is happening at the Center, but also to relay current events in the Galilee evangelical scene.

    Special for "Come and See", October 10, 2007

    Interesting articles in the second issue of Al-Kalima
  • FEATURES \ Jul 24, 2007
    reads 3956
    "It's hard to convince Americans that Palestinians are more than just terrorists," admits a Southern Baptist Christian worker who serves among Palestinians across the Middle East. "But these are needy people who for the most part are oppressed and marginalized. The Bible teaches us that 'God so loved the world,' but most of us think 'the world' is people who are like us. We try to help people understand that 'God so loved the world' includes Palestinians."

    Erich Bridges, The Baptist Press, Jun 28, 2007

  • FEATURES \ Jul 10, 2007
    reads 4854
    Dr. Bill Baker arrived in Nazareth in 1950 as a child of Baptist Missionaries. He was 9 months old. His family spent 10 years in Nazareth, while their children attended the Nazareth Baptist School (NBS), together with the local children. Bill never graduated from NBS. He only finished the 5-th grade, while he continued his education to become a professor in the Middle Eastern Department at Baylor University in Waco, Texas.

    In the evening of June 2, 2007, NBS held its annual graduation ceremony with more than 500 people present. Before the 72 graduates of NBS were awarded their diplomas, the General Director of the school came to the podium, introduced Bill and invited him to come forward to receive a certificate of graduation.

    Special For "Come and See", July 10, 2007

    Nazareth Baptist School Honors Baylor University Professor
  • FEATURES \ Apr 05, 2007
    reads 5041
    The Nazareth Baptist School hosted this week a special program with emphasis on the crucifixion and the resurrection of Jesus. The program was hosted by the Local Baptist Church - Nazareth. "Come and See" is proud to bring to you some of the songs played during this event.

    Special For "Come and See", April 5, 2007

  • FEATURES \ Mar 06, 2007
    reads 5490
    Over the last several days, Nazareth Baptist School was honored to be featured in several newspapers in Israel, encompassing three different languages: in Hebrew in the national paper, Yidiot Ahronot, in English in the Jerusalem Post, and in Arabic in several papers like Hadeeth Elnass and internet sites such as ?Yahala?, ?Panet?, ?Farfesh? and others.

    Special for Come and See, March 6, 2007

    Nazareth Baptist School featured in 3 different languages
  • FEATURES \ Feb 10, 2007
    reads 7368
    Born in the Holy Land and raised in the Middle East -Nazareth (Nazareth Rizkallah) is the only Middle Eastern Christian comedian in the USA.

    The following is an interview that Liz David did with Nazareth, where he tells his story and how he got involved in the ministry of the Gaza Baptist Church

    Liz David, Special For "Come and See", Feb 10, 2007

    Interview With Nazareth, the Comedian
  • FEATURES \ Feb 08, 2007
    reads 5246
    A new Christian publication that intends to write theology on current and relevant issues was recently launched in Nazareth under the title "Al-Kalima" meaning "the Word" in Arabic.

    The publication is aimed at the level of church members as the intention is to produce a theology for the people. It is published by the Nazareth Center for Christian Studies (NCCS), the newly launched center of learning in Nazareth. NCCS is an initiative of the Association of Baptist Churches in Israel (ABC). The ABC is the single largest evangelical group in Israel.

    Special for "Come and See", Feb 8, 2007

    Something good from Nazareth: ?theology for the people?
  • FEATURES \ Nov 06, 2006
    reads 5255
    Many Jews in the United States and in Israel feel uncomfortable with the joining of Jews and evangelicals. Under the title ?A blessing or a curse? American evangelists explained?, Yitzhak Benhorin of Yediot Ahronot provides an in-depth overview of ?Christian Zionists? in the USA, while trying to explain their support to the puzzled Israeli reader.

    This article is located in the "Global Terror" section (!!) and draws Evangelicals as 75 Million Christians in America that their first love is Israel - It also interviews the executive director of the Evangelical Christian lobby group lead by Pastor John Hagee.

    Yitzhak Benhorin, YNET, Nov 5, 2006

    American Evangelicals explained - to the Israeli reader