ISRAEL \ Oct 04, 2011
ISRAEL \ Sep 26, 2011
ISRAEL \ Aug 30, 2011
David Gushee - a distinguished university professor of Christian ethics at Mercer University writes in the Baptist Press Monday, August 29, 2011 :
Some of these Palestinians whose land is being stolen are our fellow Christians. We found deep pain among the Christian Palestinians we met who wonder what kind of Christianity allows indifference or even support for the pillaging of brothers and sisters in Christ. -
ISRAEL \ Aug 29, 2011
Letter of Director of Group that supports Nazareth Baptist School:Please join the many others in intensive prayer to our Heavenly Father. The prayer-chain will multiply rapidly if churches will release the Prayer Guide through their Facebook pages and individuals will forward the Guides. Prayer moves the heart of God. Invite others to pray. -
ISRAEL \ Aug 25, 2011
ISRAEL \ Jul 28, 2011
ISRAEL \ Jul 23, 2011
ISRAEL \ Jul 22, 2011
Archibishop Rowan Williams called for more backing for work undertaken by the ecumenical charity Friends of the Holy Land, which finances projects to assist the 200,000 Christians living mainly in Israel and the West Bank -- about one per cent of the population -- to stay in the region and not join the rising numbers emigrating.
Episcopal News Service 21th July 2011 -
ISRAEL \ Jul 21, 2011
ISRAEL \ Jul 01, 2011