• ISRAEL \ Oct 04, 2011
    reads 3813
    Wayne Hilsden, senior pastor of King of Kings Community, says most Palestinian Israelis living in Jerusalem would rather remain under the current Israeli government’s jurisdiction than a newly recognized Palestinian state
    Charisma News 3rd of October 2011 writes: Messianic Pastor Seeks Truth in Middle East Conflict
  • ISRAEL \ Sep 26, 2011
    reads 3583
    The rabbi was known for his dedication to fighting missionary activity and assimilation, a fight he conducted through his organization, Yad L’Achim.

    Israel National news 23rd September 2011
    Rabbi who Led Assimilation Fight Dies at 84
  • ISRAEL \ Aug 30, 2011
    reads 3742
    David Gushee - a distinguished university professor of Christian ethics at Mercer University writes in the Baptist Press Monday, August 29, 2011 :
    Some of these Palestinians whose land is being stolen are our fellow Christians. We found deep pain among the Christian Palestinians we met who wonder what kind of Christianity allows indifference or even support for the pillaging of brothers and sisters in Christ.
    Zionisms and the quest for peace      
By David Gushee
  • ISRAEL \ Aug 29, 2011
    reads 4238
    Letter of Director of Group that supports Nazareth Baptist School:Please join the many others in intensive prayer to our Heavenly Father. The prayer-chain will multiply rapidly if churches will release the Prayer Guide through their Facebook pages and individuals will forward the Guides. Prayer moves the heart of God. Invite others to pray.
    Nazareth Baptist School Launches Fundraising Campaign
  • ISRAEL \ Aug 25, 2011
    reads 4096
    Beck, Hagee and their swarm are anti-Semites, who are not even aware of their anti-Semitism and the extent of its ugliness.

    By Yossi Sarid, Haaretz 25th August 2011
    Glenn Beck, do not come back
  • ISRAEL \ Jul 28, 2011
    reads 3566
    The Rev John Stott, who helped lead Britain's Evangelical revival in the last years, died at 90.

    Rev. Yohanna Katanacho, Dean of Students at Bethlehem Bible College writes: "Through his preaching, writings, and time of prayer, I saw a godly man in the twenty first century".
    Dr. John Stott dies at 90
  • ISRAEL \ Jul 23, 2011
    reads 4815
    We are encouraging our members to bring a particular focus to your suffering, isolation and pain in the season of Advent 2011 when we reflect upon the Saviour’s incarnation in the land which came to be known as Palestine
    The Presbyterian Church in Canada responds to Karios document
  • ISRAEL \ Jul 22, 2011
    reads 3247
    Archibishop Rowan Williams called for more backing for work undertaken by the ecumenical charity Friends of the Holy Land, which finances projects to assist the 200,000 Christians living mainly in Israel and the West Bank -- about one per cent of the population -- to stay in the region and not join the rising numbers emigrating.

    Episcopal News Service 21th July 2011
    Archbishops call for more support for Christians in Holy Land
  • ISRAEL \ Jul 21, 2011
    reads 3361
    AJC leaders expressed solidarity with Israel’s Christian minority and applauded the ongoing growth and vitality of Israel’s Christian population since its founding.

    ACJ,21 July 2011
    American Jewish Committee delegation meets with Christian leaders in Israel
  • ISRAEL \ Jul 01, 2011
    reads 3375
    Pontifical Mission director says number of faithful in the region has stabilized and may even be increasing.
    Those that stay have a lot of pride in being Christians in the holy land

    Christians Are Staying in the Holy Land