ISRAEL \ Apr 06, 2009
Nearly 1.8 million of the 3 million tourists who came to Israel last year were Christians, the ministry said. In 2000, 1.5 million Christians came. The number of Christian visitors from Eastern Europe and Africa was up dramatically in 2008 compared to 2000, while the figures for Western Europe and Asia fell.
ETGAR LEFKOVITS, Jerusalem Post, Apr 3, 2009 -
ISRAEL \ Mar 13, 2009
Recently, I caught word that an exciting new educational initiative in Israel between the Messianic community and Arab Christians was underway involving up to 3,000 students from K-12 schools through college and seminary. Botrus Mansour, head of the Nazareth Baptist School, filled me in about the details. He told me by email:
On Monday, Feb. 23, 45 Arab and Jewish representatives from all the Messianic and Evangelical educational organizations in Israel met at the Israel College of the Bible (ICB) in Jerusalem and unanimously approved setting up the Israel Education Forum (IEF). (Right photo, left to right, educators Bryson Arthur (Nazareth Seminary), Erez Soref (ICB), Yohanna Katanacho (Galilee Bible, Bethlehem Bible colleges) at the kickoff event.)
By Tim Morgan, Christianity Today, March 9, 2009
ISRAEL \ Feb 24, 2009
The vast majority of Israeli Jews does not have negative feelings toward Christians living in Israel, but nearly the same proportion believes the state should not allow land to be used for constructing new churches in Jerusalem, according to a study published Thursday.
Nadav Shargai, Haaretz, Feb 20, 2009 -
ISRAEL \ Feb 19, 2009
Leading Christian and Muslim clergymen are calling on Pope Benedict XVI to postpone his planned visit to Israel, which is scheduled for May, in protest of a comedy skit seen on the late-night variety television show hosted by comedian Lior Shlein.
In a press conference held on Wednesday in Nazareth, religious leaders denounced Shlein for a spoof entitled "Like a virgin" which depicts two characters who play Jesus and the Virgin Mary.
In the skit, Mary is heard saying she had slept with many men and that she was not a virgin at all.
Special For "Come and See", Feb 19, 2009 -
ISRAEL \ Feb 06, 2009
American pastor James Ridgway was honored late last month for bringing some 300,000 tourists to Israel since 1974 through his nonprofit organization, Educational Opportunities, which was also marking its 35th anniversary.
The January 28 event at the Olive Tree Hotel in Jerusalem was attended by about 120 people.
Ridgway first visited Israel in 1959 as an Interfaith Fellow at the Hebrew Union College in Cincinnati, Ohio. His visit made such an impact on his life that he felt called upon to bring other people here, he said.NADIA BEIDAS, the Jersualem Post, Jan 28, 2009
ISRAEL \ Feb 02, 2009
The Knesset's "Christian Allies Caucus" is marking five years of operation this month by redoubling its efforts to direct Christian faith-based support for Israel to legislatures around the world.
The increasingly-influential parliamentary lobby, which currently numbers 13 MKs from seven parties across the political spectrum, epitomizes Israel's interest in garnering the support of the largely pro-Israel Protestant evangelical community.
Etgar Lefkovtis, Jan 30, 2009, The Jerusalem Post -
ISRAEL \ Jan 01, 2009
Pope Benedict XVI is expected to celebrate a Mass in Nazareth during a four-day visit to the Holy Land next May. The visit is to be the first by a pontiff since John Paul II prayed at Christian sites in the Palestinian territories and Israel eight years ago.
Benedict's pilgrimage -- and the hundreds of thousands of Catholics who are expected to join him for it -- will be especially welcomed by Christians in Nazareth. Compared to Bethlehem, where Jesus was born, and Jerusalem, where he died, this community has often felt shortchanged in the biblical tourism sweepstakes.By Matthew Fisher, VancouverSun,
ISRAEL \ Dec 16, 2008
A director of the US Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations and his wife were detained Sunday at Ben-Gurion Airport by Interior Ministry officials amid allegations he is involved in illegal Christian missionary activity.
It is illegal in Israel to proselytize among minors. It is also prohibited to engage in missionary activities among adults when economic incentives are offered.
After over eight hours of detention, Jamie Cowen, a former president of the union, and his wife, Stacy, were permitted to enter Israel only after they agreed to sign a document that they would not engage in missionary activities during their stay.
By MATTHEW WAGNER, Jerusalem Post, Dec 15, 2008 -
ISRAEL \ Nov 28, 2008
Around 300 Catholics gather for mass every Saturday evening in the home of the Nigerian ambassador to Israel, in the luxury neighborhood of Kfar Shemariahu, north of Tel-Aviv.
The people in attendance are mainly Filipinos and Indians who are domestic workers in the area of Herzliya, Herzlya Ha Pituah and Nof Yam.
Written by Fr. Arturo Vasaturo ofmDirector of the Holy Land Secondary School in Jaffa, Cutodia.org, Nov 20, 2008
ISRAEL \ Oct 29, 2008
“Maariv”,the second largest Hebrew nationwide Israeli newspaper ran a 2 page article by Efrat Zemer on the 13th of October about best schools in Israel.
Under the title “Being a Student – Schools That Have Amassed the Best Reputation” Maariv wrote the following in the subtitle:
“Eight Israeli high schools enjoy a high standing in Israeli education. The formula for success is not clear – but with their sparkling lists of graduates, it’s hard to argue.”
Special for Come and See, Oct 27, 2008