Leaders of Evangelical churches in Israel met last weekend at a retreat center in the North of Israel for a meeting, first of its kind, at which a major step was taken toward unity and establishing a convention for Evangelicals in Israel.
Nazareth, Special for Come and See, Sep 24, 2003
ISRAEL \ Sep 22, 2003
The Preliminary Hearing for the charges of the Grace and Truth Christian Church in Rishon Litzion against the Petah Tikva municipality for wrongfully dismissing Ze?ev Bern from his employment due to his Christian faith is now scheduled for November 24th
Special for Come and See, Sep 22, 2003
ISRAEL \ Sep 11, 2003
ISRAEL \ Aug 30, 2003
As the school year in Israel begins at the beginning of September, results from last year are released and show outstanding achievements in the Nazareth Baptist School. Since 1950, NBS has been one of the best schools in Galilee, leaving a big impact on the area.
Special for Come and See, August 30, 2003
ISRAEL \ Aug 26, 2003
News of John Paul II's appointment of an auxiliary bishop of the Latin patriarch for Hebrew-speaking Catholics has stirred considerable public interest in the Holy Land.
Msgr. Gourion who was raised Jewish and became Catholic at the age of 23 denied information as if was in competition against Monsgr. Michel Sabbah making a political issue out of this appointment".
Zenit.org, Aug 19, 2003
ISRAEL \ Aug 12, 2003
ISRAEL \ Aug 03, 2003
The Sharon government voted against the law depriving Palestinians married to Israelis of the right to Israeli citizenship and forced the Knesset to accept its position and to enact a law that grossly discriminates against Israel's Arab citizens.
This new law is critical to the small Christian Community that lives in Israel and Palestine. What God Has Joined - Israel tries to seperate.
Parts of an Article by Uzi Benziman, Haaretz, August 3, 2003
ISRAEL \ Jul 22, 2003
The Israeli town of 3,000 Arab Christians, with few jobs and no Internet access, is to receive a computer center from Jewish and Roman Catholic leaders in Chicago.
BY MAUREEN O'DONNELL, Chicago Sun Times, July 23, 2003
ISRAEL \ Jul 17, 2003
In Israel, Tourism Minister Benny Elon is considered too extreme, so he complains that he cannot get his ideas through "since the media here is closed to me. From the other side, when I go to the Congress and meet with Tom Delay or Sam Brownback, and these men take me seriously. The Christian Coalition is highly supportive. I am closely tied to Pat Robertson and Gary Bauer. And they have a lot of power".
Parts of an interview with a racist minister who his biggest supporters are Pro-Israel Evangalicals in the US
From the Jerusalem Post, July 15, 2003
ISRAEL \ Jul 15, 2003