ISRAEL \ May 06, 2015
ISRAEL \ Apr 28, 2015
In an article in the Mennonite World Review, Tom Harder says:...visitors to the Holy Land, if they look closely enough, discover an awful irony. The oppressed have become the oppressors and the persecuted the persecutors.
The victims are the Palestinian Arabs (both Christian and Muslim) who had been living in historic Palestine long before the Jewish immigrants began arriving — displacing the Palestinians, destroying their villages and declaring an Israeli state -
ISRAEL \ Apr 18, 2015
ISRAEL \ Apr 13, 2015
It has been hard work to examine my own mind. Many questions that leave me wondering how could I have not thought about them. My solid identity has been shaken and then broken… I have been an eyewitness to the systematic oppression, humiliation, racism, cruelty and hatred by “my” people towards the “others” and what you see, you can no longer unsee… People ask for solutions. I don’t have one. I have a vision: A state for all its citizens with equal rights. A true democracy -
ISRAEL \ Mar 30, 2015
Rev. Ajaj reflects on lessons from the Last Israeli elections and writes among other things:Much hatred was promoted during this election campaign... This shocked me as well as many people. Nevertheless, are we not asked to be the “light and salt of the earth”? How important, then, in such circumstances to promote and show love to those who have been styled as our “enemies”. -
ISRAEL \ Mar 28, 2015
But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. 10 Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy". -
ISRAEL \ Mar 20, 2015
ISRAEL \ Mar 18, 2015
ISRAEL \ Mar 17, 2015
ISRAEL \ Mar 14, 2015
I stand today few days before the Israeli Knesset elections that will determine what direction my country will be taking. I believe that voting is not just a civic right but an obligation- not a regular one but a Biblical one. It is a should come to support a direction that brings kingdom principles and values.