• JORDAN \ Feb 16, 2008
    reads 8860
    The following is the statement issued by the “Council of Church Leaders in Jordan” regarding an article published on 29/1/2008 by the American News Agency, “Compass Direct News,” about Christians in Jordan. The press release was published in the Jordanian Embassy on the USA web site – and was later removed, but it is still widely distributed in the Jordanian press.

    In this press release, Evangelical Churches are labeled as “groups” and not churches, for these groups “came under the guise of charitable organizations, and have started to call themselves as churches -which they are not – and to ask for the same rights that the Constitution stipulates for formal churches. They also have proselytized among Jordanians, in a manner that has given rise to religious animosity, disrespecting the freedom of conscience, and thus disturbing the relations between Christian and Muslim Jordanian citizens. In short, they have become a threat to public security”.

    Special For Come and See, Feb 15, 2008

    “Council of Churches” in a fierce press release against Evangelical Churches
  • JORDAN \ Jan 30, 2008
    reads 9997
    Jordan has increased pressure on foreign Christians living in the kingdom, expelling many long-time residents over the past 13 months in what local churches see as an attack on their legitimacy.

    Authorities deported or refused residence permits to at least 27 expatriate Christian families and individuals in 2007, a number of them working with local churches or studying at a Christian seminary, Compass has confirmed.

    In all but one case, officials refused to provide written explanations for the decisions. But many of those expelled told Compass that they had been questioned by intelligence officers regarding evangelism of Muslims.

    by Peter Lamprecht, Compass Direct, Jan 29, 2008

  • JORDAN \ Jul 10, 2006
    reads 4826
    Biblical history flows through the nation of Jordan, from the cave where Lot is said to have lived after his wife turned into a pillar of salt to the archaeological park where many believe John the Baptist baptized Jesus.

    Abraham passed this way as he traveled from Mesopotamia to Canaan, and Moses climbed Mount Nebo to look out upon the Promised Land. In Jordan's northwest corner at Umm Qais, called Gadara in the New Testament, Jesus performed the miracle of the Gadarene swine. Near Amman is the legendary Cave of the Seven Sleepers, where legend holds that several persecuted Christian boys found shelter and slept there for 309 years.

    By Cecile S. Holmes, July 7, 2006 - Religion News Service

  • JORDAN \ Jan 10, 2006
    reads 4881
    Jordan's King Abdullah II, whose interfaith efforts over the past year impressed Catholics, Jews and Muslims alike, will have a supporting role at this year's National Prayer Breakfast, according to a key aide.

    Although he would not be the first Muslim to speak at the annual event at the Washington Hilton, he will have a bigger role than his predecessors, said Joseph Lumbard, special adviser to the king for interfaith affairs.

    By Julia Duin, THE WASHINGTON TIMES, January 9, 2006

    Jordan's king to speak at U.S. prayer breakfast
  • JORDAN \ Oct 25, 2005
    reads 7720
    Yazan Kahtan Haddadin, a student at The Amman Baptist School in Jordan, was recently recognized by Jordan?s Queen Rania as one of the most outstanding young scholars in the world for his academic achievements.

    Brian Barlow, a Southern Baptist and a Bartow native, heads the international school where Haddadin received the award for his high score on an English test (IGCSE) administered by The British Council and University of Cambridge International Examinations.

    The awards are an outcome of the long-established partnership between the British Council, the University of Cambridge International Examinations and the Ministry of Education in Jordan, according to a news release.

    Flordia Baptist Witness, Oct 13, 2005

    Amman Baptist School student wins top world honors
  • JORDAN \ Jun 13, 2005
    reads 18870
    Canon Suheil Dawani was elected at June 15, 2005 for the position of the Coadjutor Bishop of The Anglican Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem and the Middle East.

    The coadjutor Bishop will work alongside the current Bishop the Rt. Rev. Bishop Riah Abu-Assal for a period of two years. Bishop Abu-Assal supported rival Kamal Farah.

    Special For Come and See, June 15, 2005

    Suheil Dawani: The new Anglican Bishop of Jerusalem
  • JORDAN \ May 11, 2005
    reads 6203

    Jordanian authorities reportedly confiscated copies of the controversial bestseller, "The Da Vinci Code," for slandering Christianity.

    The Washington Times, May 10, 2005

  • JORDAN \ Apr 14, 2005
    reads 4961

    An Amman court of Islamic law ruled in favor of Christian widow Siham Qandah today, revoking the legal guardianship of her children?s Muslim uncle and ordering him to repay misspent funds withdrawn from their orphan trust accounts.

    I still can?t believe it!? Qandah told Compass today, laughing and crying. ?I am so happy, I am just speechless. I can?t even describe my emotions.? Although she had already called her children from Amman, she said she could not wait to travel back home to Husn and tell them in person.

    Compass Direct, April 12, 2005

    Siham Qandah wins Guardianship Battle
  • JORDAN \ Nov 24, 2004
    reads 7216

    For the first time in decades Christian Arabs in Jordan and Palestine have their own magazine. The first edition of the 40 page glossy color magazine.

    Al Maghtas (the baptismal) was produced in Amman this week featuring interviews, articles, and even some controversy.

    By Daoud Kuttab, Special for Come and See, July 20, 2004
    Al Maghtas: New Magazine for Christian Arabs
  • JORDAN \ Nov 24, 2004
    reads 8017
    The story of Jordan Evangelical Theological Seminary (JETS) is the story of an amazing journey of Dr. Imad Shehady, the man behind this project.

    Imad graduated with his Masters and PHD in Theology from Dallas Theological Seminary. They write a profile of Imad on their web site: "He has the gentleness of a lamb, the boldness of a lion ??.

    Dallas Theological Seminary Web site, March 16, 2004

    Imad Shehady: The man behind JETS