• JORDAN \ Sep 11, 2003
    reads 4235
    Southern Baptist relief volunteers entered Jordan, The team initially was scheduled to continue from Amman to Baghdad to deliver to Iraqi families some of the 46,000 70-pound boxes of food gathered by Southern Baptist churches across the USA. Travel to Iraq is postponed when the threat level is to be re-examined.

    By Joni B. Hannigan, Sep 5, the Florida Baptist Witness

  • JORDAN \ Jul 21, 2003
    reads 4647
    The Vatican will build the biggest church of the Middle East in Jordan near the site where scholars believe Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist, ASSIST News Service (ANS) has learned from official sources.

    According to "Come and See" Editor, the biggest Church in the Middle East nowadays is the Church of Annonciation in Nazareth.

    ASSIST News Service, July 17, 2003

    Vatican builds biggest Middle East Church
  • JORDAN \ Jul 21, 2003
    reads 4274
    Siham Qandah has been assured by a Jordanian prince that he will personally ensure that she is not sent to prison, while her lawyers continue to fight for justice.

    Siham?s tragic case began with the death of her husband in 1994. When she tried to claim her widow?s pension from the army she was astonished to be told that he had allegedly converted to Islam and therefore under Shari?ah and Jordanian law as a Christian she could not inherit from him. In April 2002 Siham was ordered by court to give up custody of her children, so the family went into hiding.

    Barnaba's Fund Web site, July 14, 2003
    New Hope for Christian Widow
  • JORDAN \ Apr 04, 2003
    reads 6126
    While news of war in Iraq are heard, the Jordan Bible Society is starting a big emergency relief project in Iraq

    Special for Come and See, April 4, 2003

  • JORDAN \ Jan 29, 2003
    reads 4314
    For the second time in three months, a Jordanian Christian widow has been forced into hiding after a court ordered her to surrender her children to an estranged Muslim relative.
    When Mrs Qandah?s husband died in 1994, a local Islamic court declared that he had converted to Islam years earlier. According to Islamic Law, this meant his minor children automatically became Muslims too.

    Christian Solidarity WorldWide, Jan 23, 2003

    Widow hiding after court orders her to surrender her children
  • JORDAN \ Oct 17, 2002
    reads 4039
    Under a final ruling from the Supreme Court of Jordan seven months ago, Qandah was ordered to give up custody of her children to be raised as Muslims. Rooted in the dictates of Islamic law, the decision was based on her Christian husband?s alleged conversion to Islam three years before his death

    by Compass Direct, October 15, 2002

  • JORDAN \ Oct 11, 2001
    reads 7890
    The young queen of Jordan said:"I think it's very important that you realize that for the majority of Muslims, they do not hate Americans"

    By Michael Ireland, Chief Correspondent ASSIST News Service, October 11

    Queen Rania explains
  • JORDAN \ Sep 25, 2001
    reads 6668
    Assemblies of God are buidling The Middle East Harvest Training Center in Amman, planned "In The Heart Of The Neediest Mission Field In The World Today". The center can seat up to 2,500 people.

    By Dan Wooding, Assist Ministries, September 24, 2001
    A large gathering and training center being built in Amman
  • JORDAN \ Sep 19, 2001
    reads 3885
    American Christians Join With Jordanian Christians And Muslims At Candlelight Service In Amman

    By Dan Wooding, Assist Ministries, Sep 17
    Lighting Candles for Peace in Jordan
  • JORDAN \ Sep 17, 2001
    reads 4106
    They are in a state of shock and disbelief over terror in New York and Washington

    By Dan Wooding in Amman, Assist Ministries, Jordan
    Jordanian People Offer Condolences to the American People