Sharansky's Committee came to believe that the source of the trouble in Nazareth lay in the weakness of the Netanyahu and Barak governments. They learned that the more the Islamic Movement smelled weakness, the more bold and extreme its demands became.
Uzi Benziman, Haaretz, March 8, 2002
OPINION \ Feb 21, 20023808All the signs point to a decision that will overturn the recommendations of previous committees to build the Shehab El-Din Mosuqe in Nazareth.
it is doubtful if the committee is taking into account all the ramifications of the message that will be broadcast to the Israeli Arab public. The message will say that once again the government is breaking an agreement with its Arab citizens.
By Ori Nir, Haaretz, Feb 21, 2002
OPINION \ Jan 22, 20023745
OPINION \ Nov 02, 20014149
OPINION \ Sep 09, 20015064
OPINION \ Sep 05, 20013921Botrus Mansour wrote Dr. Carey an open letter regarding his visit to Israel and the Palestinian Authority. Dr. Carey thanked ComeandSee for its support to Christians in the Holy Land
Special, Sep 5, 2001
OPINION \ Aug 16, 20013729
OPINION \ Aug 13, 20013960Dr. George Carey visited Israel and the Palestinian Authority last week. He urged the Christians not to leave but to "stay put, make your mark but share your message with the rest of us around the world."
A Local Christian writes an open letter to comment on these statements
Special For Come and See -
OPINION \ Apr 24, 20014568
OPINION \ Mar 26, 20014114