• OPINION \ Nov 21, 2012
    reads 5530
    President of Bethlehem Bible College reflects on the the current round of violence between Israel and the Gaza Strip

    Jack Sara - Special for Come and See
    War or Peace? By Jack Sara
  • OPINION \ Sep 13, 2012
    reads 4196
    The release of the controversial film Innocence of Muslims, which claims to depict the life of Muhammad, caused and outrage in the Muslim world, where thousands of angry men and women demonstrated and attacked US embassies.
    Innocence of Muslims - about the controversial film - by Munther Isaac
  • OPINION \ Jul 08, 2011
    reads 4319
    Born again leaders are in a dilemma: how to govern a worldly nation according to the teachings of Messiah and the cross, when all the kingdoms of this world are opposed to the Kingdom of God?

    Howard Bass, Special for Come and See
    Theology of War
  • OPINION \ Jul 04, 2011
    reads 4797
    On June 25, 2006 Hamas captured the Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit in a cross border raid. The story of Shalit is a sad one. It reflects the tragedy of an Israeli family, the helplessness of individuals, the enmity between two nations, and the violence that dominates over our region. It also points out that prisoners might lose their basic human rights such as seeing their beloved ones. As a Palestinian Christian who is not for any form of violence whether it is state violence or terrorism, I wonder about God’s message to Gilad Shalit!

    Yohanna Katanacho, Special For Come and See
    Gilad Shalit and Marwan Barghouti!!!
  • OPINION \ Jun 17, 2011
    reads 4254
    Much ‘blood has been spilled’ over the outcry of the “all the [Israeli Jewish] people” to Pontius Pilate washing his hands wishing to be “innocent of the blood of this just man”: “His blood be on us and on our children!” (Mt 27:24-25)

    Howard Bass, Special for Come and See
    The Blood of The New Covenant Is On The Jewish People
  • OPINION \ Apr 28, 2011
    reads 4133
    Last week Ynetnews.com published an article by Johnnie Moore, a Christian evangelical pastor and vice president of Liberty University (the largest evangelical university in the world, founded by televangelist Jerry Falwell). Moore was visiting Israel with a group of students on a trip that ended 24 hours before the bombing in Jerusalem. A Christian tourist was killed in the bombing, and Pastor Moore was moved to write about the terror attack and his views on Israel and the Palestinians. The article, entitled "No Excuse for Brutality," was one-sided and inflammatory, asserting that Palestinians are entirely to blame for the conflict.

    By Aziz Abu Sarah
    Challenging the evangelical bias against Palestinians
  • OPINION \ Mar 13, 2011
    reads 9132
    A Palestinian Christian writes about the terrorist attack and the killing of five members from the same family in Itamar settlement in the West Bank last weekend:

    You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’ But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. And if someone wants to sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well. If someone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles (Matt 5: 38 – 41).

    The text wants us to resist evil with good (Rom 12: 21). We are called to resist physical abuse, looting our possessions, and abandoning our freedom of choice. Whenever an evil person strikes we must engage the striker instead of acting like him or her.

    Yohanna Katanacho, Special For Come and See, March 13, 2011
    A Palestinian Terrorist: A Palestinian Christian Perspective
  • OPINION \ Jan 18, 2011
    reads 4648
    Christians have been living in the Middle East seven decades prior to the arrival of Islam, and for 14 other decades as part of, or under, the law of Islam. Never has the situation of Christians reached such a difficult, unstable situation as it has in the last two years. Today the number of Christians is vastly dropping, particularly in places like Iraq and Palestine. Numbers are kept discreet as the church tries to encourage those few remaining to stay and continue to exist. But in reality, the emigration rate is very high as more families try to squeeze their way out of a place they once called home to a new land where they strive for safety and security.

    Simon Azazian, Special For Come and See, Jan 15-th 2011
    When Christians Become Targets
  • OPINION \ Oct 07, 2010
    reads 5251
    Botrus Mansour,general Director of Nazareth Baptist School writes an article in the nationwide daily Haaretz about the discrimination of the ministry of education against Christian schools in Israel.

    "Restricting these schools, which are firmly rooted in this land and are a success story is a blessing and an element of improvement for the clumsy and tired mechanism of the Ministry of Education, is like shooting ourselves in the foot"

    Botrus Mansour, Haaretz, October 6, 2010
    Leave the Christian Schools Alone
  • OPINION \ Sep 17, 2010
    reads 4850
    This question that keeps arising among the Evangelicals, and time after time, the phrase is brought up, not just targeting one individually, but targeting ones family as a whole. So “Are you a Believer?” “Are your parents Believers?” and “When did you become a Believer?” these questions are really asking “Are you a born-again (Evangelical) Christian?” “Are your parents still attending the Nominal Church?” and “When did you stop going to your original Church?”

    Simon K Azazian, Special For Come and See, Sep 17, 2010