• OPINION \ Dec 29, 2008
    reads 56585
    A Palestinian Evangelical Christian leader, challenges Messianic Jews to consider their responsibility related to the bloody events of Gaza. He asks, “will you look me in the eyes next time we meet and shake my hands while the hands of your army are still wet with the blood of my people!?” He asserts the need for advocating a theology of peace rather than justifying a theology of war.

    Yohanna Katanacho, Special For "Come and See", Dec 29, 2008
    Reflecting on Gaza: An open letter to my Messianic Brothers and Sisters
  • OPINION \ Dec 23, 2008
    reads 6028
    The National Council of Churches has released a brochure castigating Christian Zionism as a dangerous movement that fosters fear and hatred of Muslims and non-Western Christians, as well as endangering peace in the Middle East.

    Jim Sibley, a Southern Baptist leader whose career has focused on Baptist-Jewish relations, set forth an opposite view in assessing the brochure: The NCC resorts to caricature and slander, particularly when accusing evangelicals of regarding Jewish people "as pawns in a cosmic drama of divine vengeance and retribution."

    Tammi Reed Ledbetter, Baptist Press, Dec 18, 2008
    Sibley: NCC wrong on Christian Zionism
  • OPINION \ Nov 28, 2008
    reads 3699

    In his column in the Palestinian daily Al-Ayyam, 'Abd Al-Nasser Al-Najjar criticized the persecution of Christians in Arab countries,
    with a particular emphasis on the Christian population of the Palestinian Authority.
    From Memri web site, Nov 12, 2008

  • OPINION \ Oct 13, 2008
    reads 4449
    Transcript of the speech given by Botrus Mansour on Friday the 10th of October 2008 in Advocates International and Christian Legal Society conference in Washington DC for 1000 lawyers and judges from 106 countries around the world.

    Botrus Mansour is a Human rights lawyer, General Director of Nazareth Baptist School and co-editor of the “Come and See” web site who lives in Nazareth, Israel.

    Special For Come and See, October 13, 2008
    Thriving through diversity
  • OPINION \ Jun 17, 2008
    reads 4337
    Yossi Sarid, Israel’s Education minister in the early 1990-s writes about Jewish morality in modern days, on the eve of Shavuot.

    “The negotiations between Moses and God were not easy. That is the only explanation for the long stay on the mountain, 40 days and 40 nights, before the Torah was given. According to stubborn rumors that found their way through the concealing cloud, God insisted on more than Ten Commandments, and Moses begged him not to go too far: Even those 10 would be a tough burden to meet”…”Quite a few politicians stick to the ritual commandments while disparaging the Ten Commandments - to hell with morality, long live ritual”.

    Yossi Sarid, Haaretz, June 7, 2008
  • OPINION \ Jun 12, 2008
    reads 12147

    Eileen is the Reporter and Editor of "We are wide awake" writes about an encounter with a Christian Zionist in the location where Jesus preached the sermon on the mount:

    “The oppressed have become the oppressors. In the 21st century good people are unaware, ignoring or are in total denial of the injustice in the Holy Land. And what about all the Hebrew prophets, such as Micah who reminded the people of what the Lord requires: To be just, to be merciful and to walk humbly with your God!”

    "Nobody else spoke to me the rest of the evening or the next day. That was fine with me, for I was listening to the voice within and what I kept hearing was Luke 23:34: “Father forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing.”

    Eileen Fleming, OPED News, June 4, 2008

    Christian Zionism: The Fastest Growing Cult in USA
  • OPINION \ Jun 12, 2008
    reads 5333
    Larry King is not known as a tough interviewer. Yet with smooth-talking pastor and author Joel Osteen, he went for the jugular, asking whether Jews and Muslims must believe in Christ to go to heaven. And Osteen blinked: "I'm very careful about saying who would and wouldn't go to heaven. I don't know."

    While Osteen later apologized for seemingly downplaying the necessity of faith in Christ for salvation, the pluralistic pressure to waffle on this issue is intense. Several mainline denominations support a two-covenant theology, which holds that Judaism and Christianity are parallel, divinely guided paths to God. In addition, in 2002 the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops released a document, "Reflections on Covenant and Mission," affirming that "Jews already dwell in a saving covenant with God."

    Stan Guthrie, CT Website, March 25, 2008
  • OPINION \ Apr 17, 2008
    reads 7794
    The president of Jordan Evangelical Theological Seminary presents some guidelines, clarifications and words of encouragement.

    Many have been asking about the status of evangelicals in Jordan.  This has come as a result of some alarming reports and press releases in the eastern and western media.  Yet it is time now to take a new look towards a brighter future for the wonderful country of Jordan.  A fresh analysis of the situation is essential to move forward. Christians in general and evangelicals in particular can glean and also offer some words of wisdom to help build a model country that the world would be proud of.

    By Imad Shehady, Special For "Come and See"
    Evangelicals in Jordan: Towards a Brighter Future
  • OPINION \ Mar 10, 2008
    reads 3954
    An amazing sermon about mere Christianity by an American Jew, published in the Israeli press: Bradley Burston writes an article about “Christian America” in Israel’s Haaretz. He quotes lots of verses from the new testament and comes to the conclusion that Christians in America “need to pay more attention to the words and the works of Jesus, and less to those who speak with anger, bitterness, vengeance, and exclusionism, in his name”.

    It is outstanding to see how powerful the teachings of Jesus are, even when read by people who do not believe in Him – while how big of a stumbling block some Christians have became.

    Bradley Burston, A Special Place in Hell, Haaretz, Feb 26, 2008
  • OPINION \ Jan 28, 2008
    reads 5540
    Norman Jameson was part of a group of editors from the Southern Baptist Convention who visited Israel this month with an invitation from the Ministry of Tourism.

    Before he sent his main story about his trip to Israel to the Biblical Recorder page designer, he sent it to Botrus Mansour, general director of the Nazareth Baptist School for his review. He met with Botrus during his visit to Nazareth and claims that Botrus was "greatly disappointed" in what was written.

    The following is what the editor of the Biblical Recorder wrote after this reaction from Mr. Mansour.

    Norman Jameson, The Biblical Recorder, Jan 24, 2008

    Tourist Flyover analysis