According to Khalil Hanna, member of the Baptist Mission Board
"At this is time Christian Arabs can extend their loving hand to Muslim Arabs. Many Muslims are questioning the authenticity of their Islamic faith"
Baptist Press, Sep 23, 2001
OTHER \ Sep 17, 2001
The land that spawned the Nazis finds itself with the fastest growing Jewish population, in percentage terms, in the world.
By Chad Groening, Agape Press, September 14, 2001
OTHER \ Jun 19, 2001
Two German Christian Democrats have called for the re-opening of the Theological Seminary of Chalki, Turkey, which was closed 30 years ago
Religion Today, June 19, 2001 -
OTHER \ Jun 12, 2001
"We want the Jewish people to know that following Jesus, the King of the Jews and the Messiah, is the most naturally Jewish thing they can do", says Robert Specter, "Rock of Israel" president and Assemblies of God home missionary.
Religion Today, June 12, 2001 -
OTHER \ May 31, 2001
Christian workers in Istanbul who distribute Bibles and New Testaments in the Turkish language had their offices raided by police and are currently under investigation by local authorities.
Assist News May 31, 2001 -
OTHER \ Apr 22, 2001
Jewish survivors Holoucast are being invited to a special gathering where Christian leaders will repent for the World War II sin Against Jews, that, they say, was behind last year's American presidential election crisis.
by Andy Butcher, Charisma,27th April 2001