PALESTINE \ May 15, 2020
PALESTINE \ Dec 17, 2019
PALESTINE \ Oct 31, 2018
A shift has taken place in U.S. policy toward the Israel-Palestine dispute. Now, U.S. policy is no longer merely pro-Israel, but rather fully right-wing Israeli. Here is the Israeli wish list that other U.S. administrations refused to grant and Trump’s administration has handed over, asking nothing in return -
PALESTINE \ Apr 07, 2018
PALESTINE \ Mar 26, 2018
Palestinian Christian human rights lawyer Jonathan Kuttab's article created a fierce dicussion throught the comments posted in this site. Dr. Kuttab read the comments carefully and concludes that "injustice and inequality are being perpetuated as a divine plan which Christians are expected to support for religious reasons... unfortunately, none of the answers addressed that particular existential dilemma." -
PALESTINE \ Jun 27, 2017
PALESTINE \ Jan 18, 2016
PALESTINE \ Mar 30, 2015
PALESTINE \ Sep 17, 2014
First, a word about the video in question, which was the target of the attacks. This video was done in order to reflect the pulse of the Palestinian street in Bethlehem – hence it is called “Voices from Bethlehem” (not Bethlehem Bible College). The careful observer will notice that the people interviewed come from various backgrounds: some young and some old; some Christians and some Muslims. These voices reflect the frustration and anger of men and women who everyday see the blood of their compatriots in Gaza spilled and homes destroyed over families. They also express the desire of Palestinians to live in peace and dignity. -
PALESTINE \ Dec 26, 2012
In Christmas time, the city of Bethlehem becomes an open door for the Gospel, for sharing it, for claiming it and for a proclamation of Jesus’’ salvation. At Christmas time, people regardless of their background would want to hear the True message of Christmas, and there is readiness within them to do so.
By Jack Sara, Special For Come and See