• PALESTINE \ Apr 04, 2003
    reads 3894
    Hanna Massad is the pastor of the only evangelical church on the Gaza Strip. He spoke at a John Brown University chapel service Thursday.

    His hope was to portray Palestinians in a different light, to "show the other side of the coin, the one you don't see on CNN. They don't show you the root of the problem, only the symptoms."

    No matter the outcome of this country's war with Iraq, Palestinians will resent Americans for their aggression against Arabs"

    Fri, Apr 4, 2003, By Robin Mero

    Palestinian Christian Urges Compassion
  • PALESTINE \ Apr 02, 2003
    reads 4390
    The American president and the English Prime minister were banned from entering the church where Jesus was born by the priest of the church because they are "war criminals"

    Arab48 web site, March 31, 2003

    Bush and Blair banned from entering the Nativity church forever
  • PALESTINE \ Mar 26, 2003
    reads 3961
    "Suddenly they began to fire at us. I turned back to my daughters who sat in the back seat. I shouted Christine, Christine, and she did not answer. There was no Christine". This is what Najwa Saada told Ynet, while sitting near the bed of her husband George in Hadassah Ein Karem Hospital in Jerusalem, while not believing that she will burry her little daughter in the following day.

    Ynet, Yediot Ahronot web site, Efrat Weiss, May 26, 2003 (From Hebrew)

    Border Police opens fire on Christian family in Bethlehem
  • PALESTINE \ Feb 14, 2003
    reads 8904

    According to Riah Abu Asal, Anglican Bishop of Jerusalem and the Middle East, martyers receive eternal life: "Do not consider those that were killed for the sake of God as dead, but alive with their Lord".

    Fasl Al-MaQal, Feb 6, 2003

    Anglican Bishop:
  • PALESTINE \ Feb 14, 2003
    reads 4977
    Israeli forces arrested on Thursday the sole Christian member of al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, a Muslim group spearheading a Palestinian uprising, Palestinian sources and the Israeli army said.

    BETHLEHEM, West Bank, Feb 6, Reuters

    First Christian in Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades
  • PALESTINE \ Feb 03, 2003
    reads 3803
    A host of leading Christian clergymen and leading figures attended a mass in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher on Friday, January 31, to show solidarity with the Iraqi people in the face of rising U.S. "immoral and inhumane" war threats.

    In a speech following the mass, Archimandrite Atallah Hanna ridiculed claims that the U.S. forces are amassed in the Gulf region to liberate Iraq.

    Islam Online, Feb 3, 2003

    Church of Holy Sepulcher Hosts pro-Iraq Mass
  • PALESTINE \ Jan 28, 2003
    reads 4138
    The Nassar family is one of the few Christian families left in the Bethlehem area that owns hundreds of dunums of land. The transfer of their land to nearby Israelis settlements in contradiction to international law would deal a great blow to the dwindling Christian population in the Bethlehem area in these already very difficult times.

    Allison Jones-Nassar is one of the members of the family who was born in the USA. She writes a direct letter to George W. Bush, the President of the US.

    Special For Come and See, Jan 28, 2003

    Christian Family goes to Israeli supreme Court
  • PALESTINE \ Jan 24, 2003
    reads 3720

    A Palestinian has been seriously injured as an Israeli helicopter fired missiles during a raid in Gaza City overnight, causing heavy damage to a Christian Anglican chapel, a metal workshop and other buildings, Palestinian medical and security sources said.

    ABC News, January 24, 2003

    Anglican chapel hit in Gaza raid
  • PALESTINE \ Jan 22, 2003
    reads 4045
    The proposed Palestinian constitution declares Islam the official religion, and that the state would guarantee the sanctity of places of worship and respect other religions.

    Most of the 3 million Palestinians in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip are Muslims, and about 50,000 are Christians.

    By Mark Lavie, Associated Press, Jan 21, 2003

  • PALESTINE \ Jan 10, 2003
    reads 3671
    Earlier this month, Ma'ariv published a letter allegedly written by Irineos to Arafat, containing anti-Semitic statements against Jews and Israel. Irineos claimed the letter was a forgery and filed a complaint with the police on the matter

    By Arnon Regular, Ha'aretz Correspondent, Jan 10, 2002

    Greek Orthodox patriarch met Arafat for Christmas