Metro Detroit has about 33,000 residents from Ramallah, most of them Christian. Today, less than 50,000 Palestinian Christians live in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
BY NIRAJ WARIKOO, Detroit Free Press, Sep 27, 2002
PALESTINE \ Sep 12, 2002
Suhad Masaad is the wife of the Baptist Pastor in Gaza. She went to visit her family in Jordan and was not allowed back to Gaza. It took eleven months for this newly wed couple to re-unite again.
The Gaza Baptist Church had a big celebration this Sunday when their pastor showed up to church with his wife.
Special For Come and See, Sep 12, 2002
PALESTINE \ Sep 02, 2002
Palestinian peace activist Hana Siniora, a 65-year-old East Jerusalemite Christian, long-involved in pro-peace activities, has accepted Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat's appointment as the PLO's ambassador to Washington. The choice of the moderate Siniora is seen as a bid to improve PA ties with the U.S.
By Akiva Eldar, Ha'aretz, Sep 2, 2002
PALESTINE \ Aug 06, 2002
Finally, and after 10 months, the wife of pastor Hanna Masaad from Gaza Baptist Church has been allowed by the Israeli authorities to return home to re-unite with her husband.
Special for Come and See, August 6, 2002
PALESTINE \ Jul 30, 2002
Rev. Jesse Jackson on Sunday urged Palestinians to focus on nonviolent resistance. Jackson was speaking in a sermon at St. Stephen's Dominican Church in Jerusalem's Old City.
Jackson is heading a U.S. religious delegation on a five-day tour of the troubled region and is holding talks with both Israeli and Palestinian leaders.
AP, Juky 29, 2002
PALESTINE \ Jul 25, 2002
While the Israeli tanks were resting for few hours, Bethlehem Bible College was celebrating its 15th graduation. At last, after postponing the graduation several times because of the imposed curfew by the Israeli Military, the students were able to invest the few hours they had in order to celebrate their graduation at Thursday July 11.
Special For Come and See, July 24, 2002
PALESTINE \ Jul 22, 2002
Alan Jones and Pastor Sam Gore from Collins Grove Baptist Church in Holly Springs, N.C. served as volunteers in Project Future and Hope, an effort to bring food and encouragement to Palestinian families hurt by the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Jesus wept in Bethany. Sam Gore did, too.
Erich Bridges, Baptist Press, July 19, 2002
PALESTINE \ Jul 16, 2002
No Resolution yet to the problem of Pastor Hanna Masaad from Gaza. His wife Suhad cannot return back home for 9 months, since Israel will not issue her a visa to return to her home in Gaza.
"Hanna Massad is Satan?s most strategic target in the Gaza Strip. And the devil may soon enjoy a major victory unless Western Christians act immediately".
By Ron Brackin, Special Correspondent, ASSIST News Service -
PALESTINE \ Jul 12, 2002
Christian Bible Teacher R.T Kendall meets with Arafat in Ramallah and prayed for him and two of his Cabinet ministers at the end of their time together.
Kendall tells Arafat: "I want to be Jesus to you."
Kendall's meeting with Arafat was born out of 20 years of prayer for Arafat, during which period he estimated he had prayed for him almost 6,000 times.
By Andy Butcher, Chrisma News, July 10, 2002
PALESTINE \ Jul 10, 2002
Aid to the Palestinian Authority is funneled through and distributed by various Muslim charities. For families to qualify for assistance, they must be Muslim or be willing to convert
Pastor Nihad Salman, is the director of the Shepherds Society, a new initiative to help Palestinian Christians: ?People are going hungry here. I never thought it would come to this in Bethlehem. I was shocked to find families were in these bad conditions.?
Assist Ministries, By Rebekah Montgomery, July 9, 2002