• PALESTINE \ Jul 03, 2002
    reads 4047
    The Israeli Government says Jonathan Miles was in country illegally, but Light to the Nations founder denies accusation.
    "We are followers of Jesus, and we wanted to follow his example of love thy neighbor, particularly those who were dying and suffering"

    By Ross Dunn in Jerusalem, Christianity Today, July 2, 2002

    Israel Deports American Missionary Who Helped Sick Palestinian Children
  • PALESTINE \ Jun 22, 2002
    reads 4031
    Father Dr Attallah Hanna, the official spokesman of the Orthodox Church in Jerusalem and the Holy Land, said last night he supported martyrdom by Palestinian men and women to fight for their just rights.
    Father Hanna was speaking to a crowd in the United Arab Emirates

    Gulf News, June 20, 2002

    Greek Orthodox Spokesman:
  • PALESTINE \ Jun 17, 2002
    reads 3890
    The Peace team from the Mennonite Churches is back from Bethlehem, where they helped in rebuilding the Christmas Lutheran Church.
    One of the members of the team writes his impressions.

    David Kreider, Special for Come and See, Harrisonburg, VA, June 16, 2002

    Back from Bethlehem
  • PALESTINE \ Jun 10, 2002
    reads 3628
    Rev. Alex Awad, United Methodist Missionary and the Pastor of the East Jerusalem Baptist Church writes an open letter to president George Bush on the eve of his meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon

    Special for Come and See, June 7, 2002

    Mr. President: Don't Be Deceived!
  • PALESTINE \ May 30, 2002
    reads 3472
    "People are in need, and we want to share God's love in a concrete way," said Paul Lawrence, a Southern Baptist worker among Palestinian Arabs who is coordinating the project. "There is a real feeling of hopelessness among the Palestinians. They don't see their lives going anywhere. There's no future in their dreams."

    Baptist Presss,May 29, 2002, By Erich Bridges

    Baptist volunteers to share food, hope among Palestinians
  • PALESTINE \ May 23, 2002
    reads 3672
    Denton Lotz, General Secretary of the Baptist World Alliance writes a letter to the Israeli Ambassador to the US: "We are very concerned about the state of our minority Baptist groups in all of the Middle East and Israel".
    The wife of Gaza Baptist minister has not been allowed to return home after a visit to her family in Jordan.

    Special for Come and See, May 23, 2002

    Baptist World Alliance intervene in the plight of Gaza Minister
  • PALESTINE \ May 20, 2002
    reads 4376
    Eleven persons will travel to Bethlehem, Palestine, on May 23 to lend support and encouragement to people seriously affected by the recent Israeli army occupation of the West Bank town.
    "We pray for strength and perseverence and for vision on the part of all of us as Christian brothers and sisters to be effective ministers of reconciliation in these difficult times".

    Special for Come and See, May 19, 2002

    Mennonite Solidarity Group Headed to Palestine
  • PALESTINE \ May 20, 2002
    reads 4096
    Christian Arabs in the Bethlehem area are getting back to normal life - which includes plans to emigrate.
    "We have no political agenda except survival".
    "Even 20 years ago France and Italy defended the Catholics, and the British protected the Protestants, and the Russians the Orthodox, and now they have stopped looking eastward".

    Jerusalem Post, Matthew Gutman May. 16, 2002

    Bethlehem - The day after
  • PALESTINE \ May 15, 2002
    reads 3698
    The wife of the Baptist Minister in Gaza went to visit her family in Jordan eight months ago. She cannot get back home because the Israeli authorities will not issue her a visa.

    Special for Come and See, May 15, 2002

  • PALESTINE \ May 07, 2002
    reads 3554
    This is another way for silent voices to be heard," said Bishop Ann B. Sherer of the United Methodist Church. "We need to hear what has happened to Palestinians who have been forced from their land without compensation and many now remain homeless."

    By the Rev. J. Richard Peck, United Methodist News Service, May 7, 2002