• PALESTINE \ Dec 02, 2011
    reads 5262
    If Jesus were to be born in Bethlehem today, he would have difficulty crossing from Bethlehem to Jerusalem for the same security reasons. Moreover, Mary and Joseph may have to flee to Canada to avoid the current political turmoil in Egypt.
    O Come Ye, O Come Ye to Bethlehem
By Rev. Alex Awad
  • PALESTINE \ Dec 01, 2011
    reads 4356
    Munther Isaac- Director, Christ at the Checkpoint Conference, writes about the conference in March 2012 in Bethlehem and quotes Lynne Hybels, co-founder of the Willow Creek Church and one of the speakers at the Conference:
    "I am still pro-Israel, but I’ve also become pro-Palestine, pro-peace, and pro-justice and pro-equality for Jews and Arabs living as neighbors in the Holy Land. And the bottom line is always: pro-Jesus!”
    Palestinian Christians Call On Evangelicals For Action
  • PALESTINE \ Sep 24, 2011
    reads 5783
    Many Christians in America think of Jews and Christians as “us” and anything that sounds Muslim or Arab as “the other.” But the call of Jesus is to be more loving towards the “other” than towards the people we think of as “us.”
    My Take: Jesus would support Palestinian statehood bid- by Carl Medearis
  • PALESTINE \ Sep 18, 2011
    reads 8278
    It is our Christian duty to become aware of what is going on in political circles and on the ground and then to take a stand with the truth. Christians are not called to be morally passive and politically indifferent but rather to be active in promoting solutions that will bring about reconciliation and an end to the suffering of both Israelis and Palestinians.
    Why Christians need to support Palestinian drive towards Statehood?

By Rev. Alex Awad
  • PALESTINE \ Jul 11, 2011
    reads 4214
    Jewish settlers, the Israeli government and “Christian Zionists” are the main cause of Palestinian Christian emigration from the Middle East, not the rise of Islamic extremism, according to the chiefs of two Palestinian Christian groups.
    In protesting letters to Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams, Anglican Priest Naim Ateek of Sabeel and Kairos Palestine Coordinator Rifat Odeh Kassis chastised the head of the Anglican Communion for citing increasing Islamic extremism as a key factor in the departure of Christians from the region.

    Jeff Walton, July 7, 2011, Front Page Magazine
    Sabeel and Kairos: Blaming Israel for the Middle East’s Christian Exodus
  • PALESTINE \ Jun 16, 2011
    reads 3778
    The Secretariat General of the Ecumenical Committee for Christian Education in Palestine decided to apply the Kairos – Palestine document in both the 9th and 10th grades, during its meeting held at the Dar El Kalimah School in Bethlehem.

    From abouna.org
    Kairos document to be taught in Christian Schools in Palestine
  • PALESTINE \ Apr 28, 2011
    reads 4525
    Bethlehem Bible College invites you to the upcoming international Christ at the Checkpoint conference which will be held from March 5-9, 2012 at the Convention Palace in Bethlehem, Palestine.

    The overarching theme of the conference will be “Hope in the Midst of Conflict”. This conference will build on the success of the first Christ at the Checkpoint conference which was held in March 2010.
  • PALESTINE \ Jan 13, 2011
    reads 4793
    Salam Fayyad, the prime minister of the Palestinian National Authority is underlining the "vital" need for a Christian presence in that region.

    The prime minister reported that for the first time in years, more Palestinians -- including Christians -- are returning to that region than leaving.

    Zenit, Jan 11, 2011
    Prime Minister: Christian Presence Is Vital
  • PALESTINE \ Jul 25, 2010
    reads 4325
    Bishop Munib A. Younan of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Jordan and the Holy Land (ELCJHL) has been elected President of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) by the Eleventh Assembly here, a gathering of 418 delegates and others from the LWF member churches.

    The Lutheran World Federation Web site, July 24, 2010
    Palestinian Bishop Elected President of the Lutheran World Federation
  • PALESTINE \ Dec 22, 2009
    reads 4767

    Home of New Life is a children’s home in which love prevails and safety is provided to give needy Palestinian children and orphaned Palestinian children a decent life. The Home of New Life aims to provide services in all areas: spiritual, educational, social, and physical care.

    The Home of New life, founded on 1/1/1996, was the dream of Dr. Munir Kakish.

    The idea of the founding of the Home developed when Dr. Kakish finished his studies in the United States of America's, and felt led to return to Ramallah and serve the children there. He did not forget his childhood as he lived in a children’s home as a child. He has served this children’s home for 14 years.

    Linga, Dec 5, 2009

    Home of New Life Puts Light in the Hearts of Children